Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bad at blogging

These pictures are actually from a couple days ago. I'm still getting the hang of doing a post a day and on the correct date. I have weird neuroses that make me feel like I'm lying when I post a picture from a different day and it doesn't have the correct date on the post, but then I also have a weird hang-up about changing the date on the post because I actually POSTED it on this day and not the date of when the photo was taken. SO BASICALLY--MY LIFE IS A MESS!


Oh, and another do I make my photos bigger without running into the sidebar stuff? I know I obviously need to edit the html and make the body wider, but how do I do that? I hate that I'm asking html advice on my blog too, I always snicker when other people do that 'cause it's really lame. Well, guess what? I'm totally lame. So what? I shall snicker no more!


  1. Have you ever not taken a bad picture? And in real life you look the same as well. Always.....picturastic perfect. I love that.

  2. Oh, and put up your essay on Futurism.

  3. Oh, Tosh! You're so kind. I am doing a post on you soon, sir. Will that be ok? Also, can I interview you? Say yes, or else!

  4. Yeah, you are crazy photogenic! Adjust the widths under your advanced settings in the design section.

  5. No, Madeline, you are! Also, it's already at maximum! Guess no big photos for me!
